Sunday, November 16, 2008

SVA, how i miss thee

i miss SVA so much. that's School of Visual Arts, for anyone who doesn't know. like everyone who keeps asking me about my "SVA proud parent" pin... >_>;

i met some of the best people at SVA this summer, i miss them all a lot. they are all so talented, and they are all such characters! there was never a boring moment with them, i think. =) (except maybe during Thursday figure drawing?) it's rare to have that many people with a common interest around you, so it was really a treat. it was also really nice to see everyone else's drawing styles and interests within cartooning as a whole! man, i miss that place. every time i pass by the SVA area (whether it be on the subway, passing 23rd street or in the car), i go, "SVAAAAA. TAKE ME BAAAAAAAACK." oh, and i also miss the Asian bakery like right next door to SVA. their cake was so yummy. ._.

anywho, i almost forgot to write the main point of my entry! last night (well actually it was more like this noontime) i had a dream that i was in my room with a bunch of my SVA friends from the Summer, and we were going to get bubble tea. like somehow we were going to have it delivered to my house. so i was asking everyone what kind they wanted, but they kept giving me really weird flavours. like "penguin" and "cat with a funny costume." ...i didn't really know what to do. and then my dad screamed at me and woke me up before i got to figure out what i would have done. this upsets me. D:

yum. cat with a funny costume bubble tea.

1 comment:

iwat said...

AHAHAH. "cat with a funny costume". all my friends here are obsessed with the fact that i remind them of a penguin. actually, they were so kind and told me that i reminded them of any short, non-human thing. like elves. or oompa-loompas. or pooh bear. weirdly, they are all things that i have been at some point, for halloween and whatnot.

i also had a weird dream...except mine was creepier. i dreamt that i woke up and an old lady was standing over me like two inches from my face with this weird green light blinking around her and she was singing this old japanese nursery rhyme to me in this super creepy voice. i will write it here for your imagining pleasure. "donguri korokoro donguri ko..." i don't remember how the rest goes, but it includes a "dojo" who wants to play with you. a dojo is a small, slimy eel-like creature.

and yay i feel better now and i love you. and i will leave you a vidpost right now. unless my daddy catches me.